Best viewed videos in 2019

2019 is over. What are the most watched videos in 2019 on the youtube channel of INCOTECH?

NumberTitleViewed% of total
1dLink DGS-1100-08 switch web interface 7.21024,1%
2D-Link SmartConsole Utility 1.5715,2%
3Excel – text stripes 1.517 5,1%
4Raspberry Pi MusicBox – Web Interface 1.2204,1%
5Create Excel – SQL queries 1.0833,6%
6OBS Keyboard overlay testing with Rocket League9733,2%

More than 1/4 of the views have gone to the videos about the dLink switch. That’s a lot.
The videos around games score low. There is no video in the top 50 about a game.

Will no more videos about games be made from now on?
Yes, every now and then a gameplay of a game will be posted online. But videos from other categories are better watched. Given that it is the objective of growing again this year, it is better to focus on the other subjects.

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