In these times, there is much more online meetings. One of the biggest annoyances are technical problems. Here are some tips for various problems (do you also have a problem or an answer for a common problem? Leave them in the comments).
- If you're going to join an online meeting, make sure you're not in another online meeting, have a browser or program open that uses your microphone and/or webcam. As a result, your webcam and/or microphone is already in use.
- Don't download files, updates or anything like that. This can ensure that your Internet, 4G or WiFi connection does not have enough capacity left over.
- Do you use a meeting tool from the browser? Give it access to your microphone and speakers.
- Is the sound on? You can do this for example. test by playing a movie.
- Is there an external display connected or bluethoot headphones? Then disconnect these (some programs will try to play the sound through this instead of. your standard speakers).
- Are you using a loose microphone? Is it even connected?