MS Word – quick parts
This video shows the quick parts function and how these can be added. Some examples of quick components are: *
Disable 2nd graphics card
In some events, it is necessary your to disable your 2nd video card, such as an onboard Intel GPU. E.g.
Pinnacle Studio – Green bar below the video and the solution
Many of the videos on this website suffer from a green bar at the bottom of the video. This video
Install Xpenology on a hyper-v virtual machine
This video shows the steps needed to install on xpenology a hyper-v virtual machine.
xpenlology – install test run facility for creation final video
This video is a precursor to a planned video explaining how xpenology (similar to software synology) can be installed on a Hyper-V machine. In this video you can see what problems have arisen / resolved before xpenology was launched successfully.